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Harpoon 5-Miler presented by PUMA

Sunday, May 18, 2025 Harpoon Brewery, South Boston

Join a 4-Pack team!

4-Pack Team

A 4-Pack Team at the Harpoon 5-Miler is the perfect way to race with friends and have a blast while supporting a great cause. You can sign up as a female, male, or co-ed team, and 4-Pack teams are eligible for prizes in different categories during the awards ceremony (including free Harpoon beer 🍺 for your team!). Many 4-Pack teams get creative by wearing matching outfits or fun costumes, adding to the festive atmosphere and showing off your Harpoon spirit 🎉. Not only is it a fun and exciting way to participate, but it’s also a fantastic way to raise money for the cure and care of ALS, all while making unforgettable memories with your team!

4-Pack Team
4-Pack Team

4-Pack Team FAQs

How should 4-Packs register?

Every runner MUST register individually. 

After all runners successfully register as individuals, you will have the option to organize yourselves into a 4-Pack Teams. As long as all four of your runners sign up before the race fills up, you will be able to create your team after registration closes.

All teams must be filled by Thursday, May 1 @ 12:00 noon EST.  At this time, team creation/completion capabilities will be closed, and all runners on partial teams will be redistributed as individual runners. 

So then what happens if all of my anticipated teammates do not register in time?

If fewer than 4 of your anticipated runners register in time, you have two options:

1. You can all run as individuals (but you can still run, dress, act, and drink as an unofficial team). 

2. You can grab another friend (someone who is registered, of course!) to complete your team. 

I want to be a Team Captain. How do I create a team?

  1. Log on to RunSignUp under the account you registered for the Race.
  2. Navigate to Upcoming Events > Manage Registration.
  3. Click on the menu item "4 Pack Teams" (located on the left or top)
  4. Click on the tab "Create New 4 Pack Team".
  5. Select a 4 Pack Team type.
  6. Type in a 4 Pack Team name.
  7. Select a 4 Pack Team gender (male, female, co-ed).
  8. If prompted, you may create an Optional team Password.
  9. Click Continue.

How do I join a team? 

  1. Log on to RunSignUp under the account you registered for the Race.
  2. Navigate to Upcoming Events > Manage Registration.
  3. Click on the menu item "4 Pack Teams" (located on the left or top)
  4. From the pop-up select Join Existing 4 Pack Team
  5. Either select a Team from the drop-down or Search Teams
  6. Click Continue

If you're having any problems, check out these tutorials for team set up, team management, and more! 

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